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Heavenly Pilates & Reiki

5 (5 reviews) 57 Views Pilates Studio Sheffield, Sheffield

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Heavenly Pilates & Reiki

5 Reviews
AC Price
With it being Mental Heath awareness week I thought it the best time to leave this review. Julie is amazing, Reiki seemed like a very strange thing for me to consider initially and I was quite sceptical…Julie changed my life. She doesn’t just stop with the treatment itself, you get meditations sent to you, positive affirmations and always know that Julie cares. She will give a hug, a tissue, an understanding smile. She stops at nothing to make you feel better. I know that Julie has really changed my life and continues to do so. We all need a Julie!!! 😍
Margaret Crossland
I would highly recommend Reiki with Julie if you are feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed with life. Everything about Julie, her skill and professionalism and her beautiful studio helps to calm and relax you. Reiki is an amazing alternative healing practice and well worth trying.

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120 Oldfield Rd, Sheffield S6 6DW, United Kingdom
N/A Avg. Price / day

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